Process Video V2

Please find the next version of Microbial Guangzhou (still very much in process but making progress!) here:

The focus in this version was to push the environments of the canal, the market, and the tea shop to a greater level of development. I am also trying to see if I can make the themes of microbial ecosystem cultivation come alive without dialogue. So far it seems like there is a lot missing without the dialogue, but I think it will push me to animate more critical pieces, and perhaps I’ll bring back a more limited dialogue to supplement.

0 thoughts on “Process Video V2”

  1. Importance of regular air conditioner maintenance
    Did you know that your air conditioner can have many problems? These could be leaks, corrosion, or air circulation problems. Even clogged filters can create a problem. Based on this, the specialists hvac advise to take the initiative and carry out annual maintenance of the hvac system. Still confused?
    Maintenance of your system can extend the life of your system by several years. As part of an annual inspection, all moving parts are lubricated to help reduce energy consumption. Also, if it is found that the air flow is not correct, efficiency will be noticeably reduced, maintenance itself involves adjusting and inspecting all parts of the air conditioner.
    Reasons to keep your heating and air conditioning system in good condition
    Neglecting your air conditioner can lead to disastrous consequences. It will become inefficient and cause uncomfortable temperature fluctuations . Even worse, without regular maintenance, warranties can be voided. Fortunately, carrying out the necessary preventive maintenance can prevent major repairs
    If parts of the system become clogged with dust, then wear and tear of parts will increase and, as a result, the failure of a number of system components. Pros say if you want your system to run properly hvac, need to stick to an annual plan. Annual maintenance of equipment will help you save money and not spend it on repairs.
    Many people still avoid scheduled maintenance because they think the costs will be too high. Many people wait for special weather to get their air conditioning serviced. In other words, these people are waiting for something to happen to the air conditioning system, but it’s usually too late. Many people often forget about systems hvac when renovating their home, changing plumbing, etc. But a well-functioning air conditioning system is the key to comfort and coziness in any home. In order to keep your home comfortable and cozy, just have your HVAC equipment serviced every year.

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